Musica / Phantasia / Transformer / Vapores / Haraka - Movimiento / 255.155.2612 / Malinchismo / Kleingeld / Six Memos II / Usedomm / Autism Garden / Limits of the new real / Firma Matar / Because none of us../ Blue Majic/ ISO9001 / Reboot Horizon / The Poetics of salt/ Soneroses / Sunbathers II / D Show / Tiger Woods / Bear tries to beat heat / Nothing to see here/ Smudge - Work in progress / Info / info(a) / Santiago Taccetti



ISO 9001

HUS Gallery, London







In the text below a few instances will have happened, to which I will describe their peculiar details below.



Firstly, the jar at the reception desk holds a healthy swoop of that

which vanishes into skin, fuses

upon friction, into obscurity

Nivea Creme, rubadub

air, acrobatics

et al.



During my break I hold an apple, coated by wax that is patented to protect

like water drops on GORE-TEX®, its protective coat measured intimitable

is processed by gut and liver, crunch.

Its coat has come off, so too has its very core

it has come this far, yes, next trick.



Currently I want to bring your attention to these two Newyoricans

clad in all red, playing table tennis unbothered in their sweat

I see them. Do you?

what sight, that smell..summertime Brooklyn virtually

how could you disagree with such conviction.

You can nod, not having seen nothing at all.



Nevermind, did anyone mention, did we fail to notice at all

the ringtone ringing, kicking and shaking

persisting: “Hallo Meister, Hallo Meister, Hallo...”

no one answers..where could he be, the Meister, the Schatzilein?

You and I in room stand fully responsible to this urgency of a call.



Let me demonstrate something else through action, through arm

through the vigor of a leader that may succumb your father into a petty subject, I point

I point hard at the wall: “There!”


What can't be pointed at is certainly worth talking about.

That's for sure.



At this point; cookies, we can only compromise.


“Here is to a Warner Bros song we all happen to know!”


Happy Birthday to You


Happy Birthday to Youuu


Happy Birthday Dear (name)


Happy Birthday to You.



The birthday boy was never there, and the phone rang once again for its Meister.


By Dougherty Kasif